This is a headshot of one of the many geese at the park.
Great Egret
There are often one or two Great Egrets at the lake
There are Turtles that live in the lake. This is the first time I have been able to get close enough to any of them to take a good photo.
This one was especially receptive.
Great Egret
This is the second one today.
Great Egret
I'm ready for my close up Mr. ...
More Geese
Time to go for a swim.
Ring Billed Gull
This is an immature gull.
It has a plastic coat hanger stuck on it's right foot, but it is still able to fly. I wonder how long it has been there, and will it ever come off?
A pair of them, the brighter colored male and the brown female.
American Widgeon
This ia a male.
Ring Billed Gull
Ring Billed Gull
This is an immature gull due to the dark tail feathers and brown on the back.
Ring Billed Gulls
Looks like a dispute!
Ring Billed Gulls
The same two gulls.
Great Egret
Coming in to land because some one was feeding the ducks and other birds.